I would like to relate my experience in the early stages of building this business. Indeed I often attend seminars and training sessions conducted by our group. I experienced this story 4tahun ago when I attended a seminar in KL. At that time, my friends call me and ask me where. I was told I was a bit busy for attending seminars and training. Ketawakan my friend because I aspire to be a MILLIONAIRE by big business is network marketing. He ketawakan me because I want to be a MILLIONAIRE. I do not take heart because I know my friend is actually "pray" my success.
Although he ketawakan, I set up my business. I think that as a motivation for me to continue to strive to succeed. I attended many seminars and business presentation, other than that I see a lot of prospects and downline. I have been reading books and listening to tapes and cd are member motivation and knowledge to succeed. I see a lot of people, some good, some were so good friends, so friends can emulate their success, regardless of any business or employment.
On balance, I continue my efforts even at the early stage of my friends diketawakan. Alhamdulillah now I no longer diketawakan but I respected and acclaimed for their success and earn more than a million dollars in it until I 2tahun involved in this business.
In conclusion, when a friend ketawakan you ... let them ... what you need to do? Continue your effort ... because without good friends you'll be BERJAYA FIXED! Because success is certain for those who do not know the meaning of giving up, the hard work. God help you.
After all, if they ketawakan you, can they help you pay your home? Pay your car? Can he help you langsaikan your debts? Your future really is in your hands, not in the hands of your partner ....
Wan Hamidi Wan Sulaiman
Ahli Farmasi/Konsultan Kesihatan
Millionaire Coach/Leader
Products: Alpha Lipid Lifeline & Slim Diet II
Email: wmh859@gmail.com
H/p: +60193355279
Blackberry PIN:20F4D47B
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